Drug Interactions with Cannabis

Medicinal cannabis use is at an all-time high in the United States. From 2016 to 2020 alone, the number of patients enrolled in a state medical marijuana program quadrupled, according…

Embracing a New Era: The Impact of Rescheduling Cannabis on Public Health and Clinical Research

As the DEA proposes moving cannabis to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, we enter a transformative period in the understanding and utilization of this complex botanical product. Moving…

Rescheduling Cannabis in America: Celebration or disappointment? It is in the eye of the beholder.

On April 30th, 2024, the DEA accepted the recommendation of the U.S. Health and Human Services and FDA that cannabis should be reclassified as a Schedule 3 drug along with…

Job Opportunity: Cannabis Ombudsperson for the State of Connecticut

The State of Connecticut, Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA) is recruiting for a Cannabis Ombudsperson position in Hartford, CT. They are seeking a professional who is familiar with the…

Board Member at Asia International Hemp Forum

Dr. Shiksha Gallow, one of the Board members of the SCC, was invited as one of the global keynote speakers at the Asia International Hemp and Cannabis Forum in Bangkok,…

Does Cannabis Cause Heart Failure and Stroke?

Does Cannabis Cause Heart Failure and Stroke? You may have seen the recent headlines about two new studies that found “marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and…

The highs and the lows: Recreational marijuana laws and mental health treatment

Recreational marijuana laws (RMLs) continue to grow in popularity, but the effects on mental health treatment are unclear. This paper uses an event-study within a difference-in-differences framework to study the short-run impact of state RMLs on admissions into mental health treatment facilities. The results indicate that shortly after a state adopts an RML, they experience a decrease in the average number of mental health treatment admissions. The findings are driven by white, Black, and Medicaid-funded admissions and are consistent for both male and female admissions. The results are robust to alternative specifications and sensitivity analysis.

Middle School Cannabis Curriculum

SCC Member, Dave Gordon MD, was recently invited to review a middle school cannabis curriculum. Read below to see how education for this population has evolved since the DARE Program days.

Medical Cannabis Science & Therapeutics Masters Program Commencement Ceremony

It is with great honor and pride that we share that our SCC Board Member, Dr. Patricia Frye, on the 17th of May 2023, gave the Commencement Ceremony to the…

Synergy with Cannabis and Other Herbs: Thinking Beyond Plant Constituents

Explore the different types of plant synergy, herbs that may combine well with cannabis, and the healing properties of botanicals that science will never be able to fully explain.

Tic Disorder Management with Cannabis: A Family’s Tale Meets the Science

Dr. Genevieve Newton describes the state of the research on cannabis in the treatment of tic disorders and what her young son’s experience with cannabis has been like.

Cannabis as a Multifaceted Treatment Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease

Current treatments cannot stop or reverse the progression of the Alzhiemer’s disease. Learn how cannabis medicine may be a valid treatment option to alleviate the multitude of complex symptoms associated with this condition.