Cannabinoid contents in hemp teas and estimation of their transfer into tea infusions


Nadja Triesch, Nansiya Vijayakumar, Stefan Weigel & Anja These


July 7,  2023


This study focused on the investigation of cannabinoid profiles and contents of 23 different hemp teas and on the individual transfer of 16 cannabinoids from hemp teas into their tea infusions. The total cannabinoid content in the dry products averaged 14,960mg kg1, with CBD & CBDA (sum of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA)) being the major component, accounting for 87% of the total cannabinoid content. The D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) content ranged from 16mg kg to 935mg kg and was on average 221mg kg . For each hemp tea, an infusion was prepared according to a standardized protocol issued by the German Standardisation body DIN and transfer rates per cannabinoid were estimated by com- paring the contents in the dry material with the concentrations in the aqueous infusion. The limited water solubility of cannabinoids results in limited extraction efficiency for cannabinoids using boiling water to prepare a tea infusion and the average transfer rate of the psychoactive D9-THC was only 0.5%.


DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2023.2224455


Triesch, N., Vijayakumar, N., Weigel, S., & These, A. (2023). Cannabinoid contents in hemp teas and estimation of their transfer into tea infusions. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 1-12.