
Cannabidiol A Race To Relief


Nishi Whiteley and Ethan Russo, MD

Published in HerbalGram



Few chemical compounds have enjoyed such a rapid ascent to market acceptance and consumer popularity as CBD. According to BDS Analytics, the US hemp-derived CBD market is projected to grow to $20 billion by 2024.1 CBD was the top-selling herbal dietary supplement in US natural retail stores in 2019, according to the American Botanical Council’s Herb Market Report. Sales in this retail channel grew 71.3% from 2018 to 2019, with total annual sales of $90.7 million in 2019.2 To hear the ever-increasing number of people who use the product extol its virtues, one might think it a cure-all. While that is not true, CBD is a versatile therapeutic compound that is well tolerated by many people, with few reports of serious adverse effects. Among its many potential benefits, CBD is a potent analgesic, antibiotic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective agent. It also has shown promising results in inhibiting tumor promotion in laboratory and animal studies. CBD deserves serious consideration not only as a medicine but also as an important component of health and wellness regimens.

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