Academic-industry partnership advancing cannabis science: A Complementary Care Practice-Based Research Network


Nicole Ennisa, Cameron Vanceb, Russell Bradbury

Published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine

March 2022



Objectives: Data collected during routine care holds the potential to support hypothesis generation, study feasibility, and provide insight regarding how to address problems under real world conditions. Currently there are no practice-based research networks in Florida that focus on complementary care in general or medical marijuana specifically. Through an academic-industry partnership, we sought to develop a practice-based research network focused on cannabis science and create a de-identified database for analyses that support hypothesis generation, study feasibility estimation, and a network that also facilitates recruitment into future research studies.
Design: The Complementary Care Practice-Based Research Network (CC-PBRN) is a centralized repository, which contains electronic health records (EHR) from a private medical cannabis health system in the state of Florida.
Results: This paper provides cross-sectional descriptive analyses of the CC-PBRN’s 43,802 currently active patients. There are 24 clinics in the network with nine in North Florida, 11 in Central Florida, and 4 in South Florida.
Conclusion: This network serves as a statewide resource for patient-reported outcomes (PRO) research in medical marijuana. The network currently has numerous outpatient practices with thousands of patients that are a po- tential source of research participants for both observational studies as well as traditional clinical trials. The outpatient clinical practices can also serve as units of analysis for pragmatic trials comparing different care protocols and organizational structure.

Full Paper>>

DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2022.102821


Citation: Ennis, N., Vance, C., & Bradbury, R. (2022). Academic-industry partnership advancing cannabis science: A Complementary Care Practice-Based Research Network. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 66, 102821.