A Safety Study of Sativex in Combination With Dose-intense Temozolomide in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma


Susan Short, Christopher Twelves, Lucy Brazil, Catherine McBain, Brian Haylock, Christopher Herbert

Published in Clinicaltrials.gov

11 August 2016



An open-label phase to assess the frequency and severity of adverse events in recurrent glioblastoma patients receiving Sativex in combination with dose-intense Temozolomide (Part A). A randomisation phase to assess the safety of Sativex compared with placebo (Part B). Patients will receive Sativex and dose-intense Temozolomide in an open-label phase. The incidence of adverse events will be monitored (Part A). An investigator led Safety Review Team will assess the safety profile of the open-label patients and decide whether the study can progress to the randomisation phase (Part B). Patients who enrol in the randomisation phase patients will receive either Sativex or placebo. The safety of Sativex compared to placebo will be assessed by pharmacokinetic analysis of Temozolomide and its metabolites, clinical laboratory tests, adverse events and vital signs.




Short S, Twelves C, Brazil L, McBain C, Haylock B, Herbert C. A Safety Study of Sativex in Combination With Dose-intense Temozolomide in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma. Clinicaltrials.gov. NCT01812603