
A Safety Study of Sativex in Combination With Dose-intense Temozolomide in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma

Authors: Susan Short, Christopher Twelves, Lucy Brazil, Catherine McBain, et al, 11 August 2016

An open-label phase to assess the frequency and severity of adverse events in recurrent glioblastoma patients receiving Sativex in combination with dose-intense Temozolomide (Part A). A randomisation phase to assess the safety of Sativex compared with placebo (Part B). Patient…

Spontaneous regression of septum pellucidum/forniceal pilocytic astrocytomas–possible role of Cannabis inhalation.

Authors: Mansoor Foroughi, Glenda Hendson, Michael A. Sargent, Paul Steinbok
Child’s Nervous System, DATE

INTRODUCTION: Spontaneous regression of pilocytic astrocytoma after incomplete resection is well recognized, especially for cerebellar and optic pathway tumors, and tumors associated with Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF1). The purpose of this report is to document spontaneous reg…

Cannabinoid receptors in human astroglial tumors.

Authors: Janka Held‐Feindt, Lutz Dörner, Gülcan Sahan,H. Maximilian Mehdorn, Rolf Mentlein
Journal of Neurochemistry, August 2008

In animal models, cannabinoids are reported to inhibit the growth of tumors, including gliomas. These effects have been claimed to be mediated via cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1, CB2). To elucidate a possible relevance for treatment of human gliomas, we investigated recept…