
Novel Insights into the Immunomodulatory Effects of Caryophyllane Sesquiterpenes: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies

Immunomodulation is a key factor in the homeostasis of organisms, both for physiological and inflammatory conditions. In this context, great attention has been devoted to immunomodulant agents, which can boost or modulate the immune system, thus favoring disease relief. The present systematic review is focused on the immunomodulatory properties of plant-based caryophyllane sesquiterpenes, which are unique natural compounds widely studied due to their multiple and pleiotropic bioactivities. Despite lacking clinical evidence, the selected studies highlighted the ability of these substances, especially β-caryophyllene and α-humulene, to modulate the immune system of both in vitro and in vivo models of disease, such as neurodegenerative and inflammatory- based diseases, cancer, and allergies; moreover, some mechanistic hypotheses have been made too. The present overview suggests a further interest in immunomodulation by caryophyllane sesquiterpenes as a possible novel strategy for immune-based diseases or as an adjuvant treatment…

Cannabis Consumption Used by Cancer Patients during Immunotherapy Correlates with Poor Clinical Outcome

Authors: Gil Bar-Sela, Cohen Idan, Salvatore Campisi-Pinto, Gil M Lewitus Published in Cancers August 2020 Abstract Cannabis or its derivatives are widely used by patients with cancer to help with…