
Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis Sativa: A Structure-Activity Study

Authors: Giovanni Appendino, Simon Gibbons, Anna Giana, Alberto Pagani, Gianpaolo Grassi, Michael Stavri, Eileen Smith,and M. Mukhlesur Rahman Published in Journal of Natural Products August 2008 Abstract Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has…

Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Authors: George Habib, Suheil Artul Published in Journal of Clinical Rheumatology August 2018 Abstract Background Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome, characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and mood disturbances. There…

A Scoping Review of the Use of Cannabis and Its Extracts as Potential Harm Reduction Strategies: Insights from Preclinical and Clinical Research

Authors: James Siklos-Whillans, Alia Bacchus, Laurie A. Manwell Published in International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction March 2020 Abstract Cannabis as a harm reduction strategy (HRS) is supported by evidence…

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Review of Potential Mechanisms

Authors: Marieka V. DeVuono, Linda A. Parker Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers June 2020 Abstract Introduction Cannabinoids have long been known for their ability to treat nausea and vomiting….

Migraine Frequency Decrease Following Prolonged Medical Cannabis Treatment: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Joshua Aviram, Yelena Vysotski, Paula Berman, Gil M Lewitus, Elon Eisenberg, David Meiri Published in MDPI June 2020 Background Medical cannabis (MC) treatment for migraine is practically emerging, although…

Acute and residual mood and cognitive performance of young adults following smoked cannabis

Authors: Justin Matheson, Robert E. Mann, Beth Sproule, Marilyn A. Huestis, Christine M. Wickens, Gina Stoduto, Tony P. George, Jürgen Rehm, Bernard Le Foll, Bruna Brands Published in Science Direct…

Cannabis: From a Plant That Modulates Feeding Behaviors toward Developing Selective Inhibitors of the Peripheral Endocannabinoid System for the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.

Authors: Shira Hirsch, Joseph Tam
Toxins, 15 May 2019

In this review, we discuss the role of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in regulating energy and metabolic homeostasis. Endocannabinoids, via activating the cannabinoid type-1 receptor (CB1R), are commonly known as mediators of the thrifty phenotype hypothesis due to their act…