
A Comprehensive Patient and Public Involvement Program Evaluating Perception of Cannabis-Derived Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting Using a Qualitative Thematic Framework

Author: Simon Erridge, Marie Miller, Tamara Gall, Antonio Costanzo, Barbara Pacchetti, and Mikael H. Sodergren Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers  February 2020 Abstract Introduction: Cannabis-derived medicinal products (CDMPs) have antiemetic…

A Comprehensive Patient and Public Involvement Program Evaluating Perception of Cannabis-Derived Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting Using a Qualitative Thematic Framework

Author: Simon Erridge, Marie Miller, Tamara Gall, Antonio Costanzo, Barbara Pacchetti, and Mikael H. Sodergren Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers  February 2020 Abstract Introduction: Cannabis-derived medicinal products (CDMPs) have…

Patterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort

Author: Eric P. Baron, Philippe Lucas, Joshua Eades & Olivia Hogue Published in The Journal of Headache and Pain May 2018 Abstract Background  Medicinal cannabis registries typically report pain as the…

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Review of Potential Mechanisms

Authors: Marieka V. DeVuono, Linda A. Parker Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers June 2020 Abstract Introduction Cannabinoids have long been known for their ability to treat nausea and vomiting….

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: An unrecognized cause of nausea and vomiting.

Authors: Tiffany N. Smith, Anne Walsh, Christopher P. Forest
Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, April 2019

Cannabis has long been used for medical and recreational purposes because of its antiemetic, analgesic, and mood effects. Ironically, chronic use of cannabis can result in paradoxical effects, including a condition known as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Patients with this …

Using Medical Cannabis in an Oncology Practice

Authors: Donald I. Abrams
Oncology, May 2016

As oncologists, we treat patients who have devastating diagnoses with potent therapies. Hence, we demand solid evidence before recommending any intervention. Unfortunately, when it comes to supporting the use of cannabis in clinical situations, we are frustrated by a dearth of…

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.

Authors: Jonathan A. Galli, Ronald Andari Sawaya, Frank K. Friedenberg
Current Drug Abuse Reviews, December 2011

Coinciding with the increasing rates of cannabis abuse has been the recognition of a new clinical condition known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is characterized by chronic cannabis use, cyclic episodes of nausea and vomiting, and frequen…

Adjunctive nabilone in cancer pain and symptom management: a prospective observational study using propensity scoring.

Authors: Vincent Maida, Marguerite Ennis, Shiraz Irani, Mario Corbo, Michael Dolzhykov
Journal of Supportive Oncology, March 2008

A prospective observational study assessed the effectiveness of adjuvant nabilone (Cesamet) therapy in managing pain and symptoms experienced by advanced cancer patients. The primary outcomes were the differences between treated and untreated patients at 30 days’ follow-up, in…

The endocannabinoid-CB(1) receptor system in pre- and postnatal life.

Authors: Ester Fride
European Journal of Pharmacology, October 2004

Recent research suggests that the endogenous cannabinoids (“endocannabinoids”) and their cannabinoid receptors have a major influence during pre- and postnatal development. First, high levels of the endocannaboid anandamide and cannabinoid receptors are present in the preimpla…