Beyond-THC Chemovar Evaluation Survey

Beyond-THC Chemovar Evaluation Survey

The Society of Cannabis Clinicians has developed a survey that asks about patients’ responses to CBD-rich cannabis. While laboratory-based research is uncovering fascinating information about CBD, physicians want to know what patients are experiencing. Are the effects of CBD-rich cannabis and high-THC cannabis noticeably different?  If so, how? Patients, collectively, can provide the answers.

The SCC Survey has been a work in progress for several months. We think the current format is easy for respondents to complete, taking only about 10 or 15 minutes of online time.

For the survey data to be reliable, the medicine that patients are using should be analyzed by a trustworthy lab and labeled by the dispensary as to CBD and THC content. Properly tested and labeled cannabis is a prerequisite for any serious study of its components’ effects. (We expect to study the effects of some terpenoids and other cannabinoids in due course.)

The survey requires that you use a medicine (herb or tincture) that has been lab analyzed so that the survey results are tied to known amounts of specific cannabinoids. If your medicine has been analyzed and you have a copy of that analysis (or access to it) – let us know by sending a copy of your lab report and we will assign it a code. Then you will be able to take the survey.

This requirement is the only way we can gather information that is presentable to other physicians and scientists with any credibility – it is not intended to be a big stumbling block. We want our data to be unquestionably helpful to those not familiar with cannabis as medicine.

The industry is still catching up to the importance of informing patients and physicians about the content and purity of their medicine.

Many patients appreciate the opportunity to describe their experience with cannabis medication and to be a part of a serious research project. And as more patients have access to lab-tested product, they appreciate the power it gives them to fine-tune their needs and self-titrate the therapeutic effects.

With increasing access to lab-tested cannabis, we may learn that different cannabinoid ratios have different applications. My colleagues and I look forward to the day when so many patients have access to accurately labeled medicine —and have taken the SCC survey—that we can report with confidence the unique therapeutic effects of CBD-Rich cannabis.