
The Therapeutic Potential and Usage Patterns of Cannabinoids in People with Spinal Cord.

Authors: Kylie J. Nabata, Emmanuel K. Tse, Tom E. Nightingale, Amanda H.X. Lee, Janice J., et al
Current Neuropharmacology, 19 April 2020

BACKGROUND: People with spinal cord injuries (SCI) commonly experience pain and spasticity, but limitations of current treatments have generated interest in cannabis as a possible therapy. OBJECTIVES: We conducted this systematic review to: 1) examine usage patterns and reason…

Cannabinoids to treat spinal cord injury.

Authors: Angel Arevalo-Martin, Eduardo Molina-Holgado, Daniel Garcia-Ovejero
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 4 January 2016

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition for which there is no standard treatment beyond rehabilitation strategies. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge on the use of cannabinoids to treat this condition. The endocannabinoid system is expressed in the in…