Challenging the Dogma: Does High-Dose CBD Potentiate THC’s Psychoactive Effects?
Event Description:
Join us for a journal club where we will discuss the complex interaction between cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This session will explore a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, five-way crossover trial that investigated whether CBD counteracts the adverse effects of THC and enhances its analgesic properties. The study involved 37 healthy volunteers who received different combinations of THC and CBD or a double placebo on separate visits. This journal club is relevant for researchers, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate relationship between CBD and THC, particularly those involved in cannabis research, clinical practice, or policy-making.
Featured Article:
Gorbenko, A. A. et al. Cannabidiol Increases Psychotropic Effects and Plasma Concentrations of Δ 9 ‐Tetrahydrocannabinol Without Improving Its Analgesic Properties. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (2024) doi:10.1002/cpt.3381.
Phil Molloy, MD – Clinical education expert
Teresa Simon, MPH – Public health epidemiologist
Jahan Marcu, PhD – Cannabis researcher
Questions? Email Prctrials.info@gmail.com
PRC+ has education modules available for health care professionals: https://www.prc-trials-plus.com/education